Places to go to In Florida (If You Go)

15 Nov

If you ever go to Florida, there are places you should visit. Of course, you should  go to Disney world. Rides you should go on are:

Magic Kingdom: Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Toy Story Mania. (Not technically a ride, but still fun.)

Epcot: Soarin’ and Mission Earth.

Hollywood Studios: Aerosmith Roller Coaster and Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror. (It creeped me out a lot.)

Animal Kingdom: Expedition Everest.

Also, if you like video games, you should go to Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. It’s a 5- story building with arcade games.

If you stay in Kissimmee, there’s a nice pool that’s near you. It has a water slide.

In Seaworld, you should go on the Kraken, the Manta, and Atlantis.

I didn’t go there, but you should go to Legoland.

To get good souvenirs, you should go to the wizard gift shop. They have amazing stuff.

By: D.J. :)


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