Good Vacation Places

31 Dec

Madam Tussaud's wax museum

Madam Tussaud's wax museum

Some good vacation places are Foxwoods, Saratoga Springs race track, & New York City(Specifically Manhattan). Foxwoods is in Connecticut. Foxwoods is like an outside mall. It has 3 hotels in 1 place.

Saratoga Springs race track’s in New York. In Saratoga race track, jockeys race horses.

In Manhattan, you can go to a Wax Museum and Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. In the Wax Museum, everything is made of wax. There’s also a 3D SpongeBob thing in it! In Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, there’s huge people, a cool laser game, and even a black hole! Here’s how to play the laser game: You walk across a red laser and green lasers come. Then you have to hit a yellow button on the other side. More green lasers come. Then you have to go back to the beginning.

Saratoga, NY

Ripley's Believe it or not


This is by D.J  :-)


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