Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dan Gutman’s Books

14 Dec

A series by Dan Gutman are the Baseball Card Adventures. Some of them are Honus and Me, Babe and Me, and Shoeless Joe and Me. They’re about a kid named Joe Stoshack and his baseball cards. He uses his baseball cards as a time machine. In all the books, Joe travels through time. These are 1 of my favorite series.

This post is by DJ.

Shoeless Joe

Babe and Me

Honus and Me



14 Dec

The school I go to is MHMS. It is a privet school. You can stay in for recess. You get a lot of home work. You have to do laps out side. We do gym every Friday.

This post is by Shaun

I Rock   :-(                 :-)


What You Should Do Before Christmas

07 Dec

A few weeks before  Christmas you put names in a hat or a bowl and pull one out and see what name you pulled.  Then you get a gift for that person, this is called a grab.   You can either shop or make a gift for this person.

You should put decorations out a few weeks before Christmas.  You should put a lot of ornaments on the tree you get.  We always get a real tree, some people get fake ones.

This is our tree and this is from Shaun :-) :-)


Books and Comics

07 Dec

One series is the Percy Jackson series. It’s about Greek mythology and the present mixed together. If you like fighting and Greek, this is a good book for you.

A comic series is the Bone series. It has these strange creatures called bones. They don’t look like dog bones, but they are white. I recommend this book for people who like strange creatures.

One more series is the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. There’s a kid named Greg Heffley. He has a friend named Rowely. I recommend this book for everybody because it is funny.

This is by D.J. :-)


More Made Up Words

04 Dec

One made up word is shnub. My friend Josh (maybe my friend J.J.S. ) made it up. It can mean anything. If you want some more made up words, read the book Ounce Dice Trice. It has made up names, too.

This is by D.J.

I rock :-)!


Made Up Words

04 Dec

One of the made up words is sdfoghutgawdfv. It is a name. There is another word that is jawesdrft. It means that someone cut down a tree. Djhklchjfium is another made up  word. It means someone died.

This is by Shaun.

This is me :-)


Fun Places You Should Go To

01 Dec